Great Circle Vertices

In my time teaching Gen Nav, I have found that many students struggle with Great Circle Vertices.

Wherever we are in the Northern Hemisphere there will be a point on the opposite side of the World which will be in the Southern Hemisphere. These points are known as the Northern and Southern Vertex.

Great Circle Vertices

We must remember that a Great Circle goes around the Earth and if we start at say 40oN 100oE then that will be the Northern Vertex and we cannot go any further north than this point.

Remember I said we are going round the Earth: so, what are we going to do when we leave the Northern Vertex?

At the Northern Vertex we can only be heading in one of two directions 090o or 270o thus we must travel in a southerly direction whether it be easterly or westerly when we leave the northern vertex.

The Southern Vertex is directly opposite the Northern Vertex so it must be at 40oS. We started at 100oE so what is the longitude of the Southern Vertex?

The two longitudes must add up to 180o so:

180 – 100 = 080oW

It must be west as it is opposite 100oE.

If we are to do a full circuit and end up back at the Northern Vertex we must cross the Equator twice – the first crossing will be as we head to the Southern Vertex and the second as we head back to the Northern Vertex.

The crossing points will add up to 180o just like the Vertices one East and one West and they will be 90o away from the Vertices:

100oE – 90o = 010oE

080oW + 90o = 170oW

Just be careful as 100oE + 90o = 190oE which is not possible but becomes 170oW.

Always draw a diagram:

Always Draw a Diagram

Now we can work out what direction the GC will cross the Equator. It will always be an angle equal to the latitude of the vertices.

Let’s suppose we are travelling in an Easterly direction from the Northern Vertex of 40oN 100oE. If we are travelling East, we must also be going southerly as we are departing from the Northern Vertex so:

090 + 40 = 130o

If we now continue travelling East back to the Northern Vertex:

090 – 40 = 050o

Drawing a diagram will help:

If we were to travel in a westerly direction:

270 – 40 = 230o to the S Vertex and then

270 + 40 = 310o back to the N Vertex

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